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“Balance of Mountains and Flower”: Translingual lyrics by B. Kairbekov

O.A.Valikova, D.S. Emchenko
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`24:821.161.1-1

Valikova Olga A.,

Doctor of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language and

Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Emchenko Daniil S.,

Bachelor’s degree in Digital Innovations in Philology

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The purpose of this study is a structural-semiotic approach to translingual literary text. Translingualism, as the practice of an author using a language that is not ethnically primary for him, outlines a number of problems, the main one of which is the adequate interpretation of a text created in a linguistic and cultural border zone. Using the material of individual literary works by B. Kairbekov, we strive to show how the redistribution of artistically significant elements occurs from the point of view of their symbolic content. Russian-language text contains both exophone and isophone elements, which have the status of neutral in the intermediary language and are not recognized as markers of cultural otherness. However, the Russian-language significat - the shell of the Russian word — appeals not only to the denotative level assigned to it in the Russian language, but also to an alternative figurative space that correlates with the original culture of the author. For their adequate interpretation of such signs, it is advisable to turn not only to the metatext of culture as a body of works significant for the ethnic group, but also to the autometatext — the summary cultural metamessage in which the author places his own works and which can act as the key to their interpretation, taking into account their inclusion in the cognitive base of the sender this message. An example of such a metatext is B. Kairbekov’s book “Nomads in the Worlds,” the data of which we use as part of the formation of the hermeneutical context of his lyrical works.

Keywords: translingualism, translingual poetry, semiotic element, interpretation, metatext, autometatext



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