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“...We cast our speech into certain genre forms...”: Reflections on what we read

O.V. Nikitin, V.I. Suprun

Balashova, L.V. Russian speech genres / L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementiev. — Moscow : YASK Publishing House, 2022. — 832 p., il. — (Studia Philologica).

UDC 81`23+81`27

DOI  10.20339/PhS.1-24.166  


Nikitin Oleg V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of

Slavistics, General Linguistics and Culture of Communication

State University of Education

ORCID: 0000-0003-2815-6691


Suprun Vasiliy I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language and

Methods of its Teaching Department

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University

ORCID: 0000-0003-2489-9199



The article provides an analytical review of the ideas set out in the book by L.V. Balashova and V.V. Dementiev “Russian speech genres” (Moscow: YASK Publishing House, 2022. 832 p.) in the context of the formation and development of speech definitions as a reflection of the language picture of the world. The concept of the theory of speech genres and its interpretation in the aspect of communicative and cognitive linguistics is revealed. It is said about the linguistic and cultural potential of the study of Russian speech phenomenon in this aspect. Related problems are considered: genre and creativity, genre and linguistic personality, etc. It is noted that much attention in the book is paid to the analysis of the value characteristics of speech communication — the study of genres such as heart-to-heart conversation, small talk, genres of the Runet, etc. A special place in the concept is occupied by the sphere of political linguistics and its verbal and genre organization. The role of the clerical speech, analytical review and friend-and-foe oppositions in the mass media is emphasized. It is indicated that the vector of evaluation meta-commentaries in the news pages of the media has changed. Attention is drawn to the applied importance of studying speech genres based on the use of the National Corpus of the Russian language, computer analysis of texts and digitalization of language material in the Russian Scientific Citation Index. The discussion of controversial issues related to the definition of the status of popular expressions as speech units of special organization is introduced. This circumstance makes it possible to include them in the system of speech genres. The rich historical and linguistic experience is used: from the classical ideas of M.M. Bakhtin, V.V. Vinogradov, G.O. Vinokur and other scientists who stood at the origins of this problem, to the concepts of modern domestic and foreign researchers. The reception of their views suggests possible vectors of the development of the theory of speech genres, the need to identify and analyze them in the conditions of centrifugal trends of communicative practice.

Keywords: language picture of the world, text, speech genre, verbal creativity, linguoculturology, cognitive science.




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