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Review of the 14th volume collected works of D.S. Merezhkovsky in 20 volumes

M.S. Balikova, M.V. Mikhailova
80,00 ₽


Balikova Maria S.,

Postgraduate student of

History of Modern Russian Literature

and Contemporary Literary Process Department

Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Mikhailova Maria V.,

Professor of

History of Modern Russian Literature

and Contemporary Literary Process Department

Honorary professor

Faculty of Philology

Lomonosov Moscow State University



Access to this publication is due to the fact that it opens forthcoming collected works by the outstanding figure of the turn of the XIX—XX centuries and the first third of the twentieth century, D.S. Merezhkovsky, giving the most complete picture of the legacy of this artist and thinker. Particular value is represented in a reference apparatus, which fixed the errors, which occurred even in such well-researched publications as “Literary monuments”.

Keywords: D.S. Merezhkovsky, symbolism, myth, history, mystery, ancient civilizations.

Merezhkovsky,D.S. Collected works in 20 vols. Vol. 14: The Mystery of Three: Egypt and Babylon. The Mystery of the West: Atlantis – Europe. O.A. Korostelev, E.A. Andrushchenko, A.V. Zhurbina (Eds.). Moscow: Dmitriy Sechin, 2017, 807 p.

ISBN 978-5-904962-55-5 (общ.)

ISBN 978-5-904962-52-4 (Т.14)