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M. Valek, G. Aygi and “Woman on the Right”, or The first Slovak translation of G. Aygi’s poetry in the context of the 1960s and modern reception

U. Verina, A. Grominová

UDC 81`25=161.1=162..4                      


Verina Ulyana,

Doctor of Philology,

Associate Professor of the History of Belarusian Literature Department

Belarusian State University


Grominová Andrea,

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,

Head of the Russian Studies Department

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

(Slovak Republic)



The book of poetry by G. Aygi was translated and published into Slovak language as “Žena sprava” (“The Woman on the Right”) in 1967. The same year the book was translated into Czech language. It is the Czech translation that occupies the first place in the research and bibliography of G. Aygi’s publications. The paper examines the features of the Slovak translation through the views of the translator and poet M. Valek. The translations appeared when Slovak poets were in search of finding a modern artistic language and modifying the original in accordance with the artistic concept of the poet-translator. M. Valek’s interest in the poetry of G. Aygi was associated with the same range of problems. The translations have an imprint of M. Valek’s own stylistics and demonstrate his priority for existentiality and metaphor, which he emphasizes, leading to neglecting the peculiarities of the original form. The contemporary Slovak translations of G. Aygi’s poetry are more focused on the transfer of formal innovation, the preservation of the author’s punctuation and graphics. However, the novelty of G. Aygi’s verses, which is still far from being fully explored, was comprehensively analyzed only in the 2000s and contemporary translators rely on new theory as well as a rich history of translations.The novelty of the paper is that it compares the translations of different years, the views of G. Aygi and M. Valek on free verse, and also provides an assessment of the translations by G. Aygi himself.

Keywords: poetic translation, Russian-Slovak translation, Gennady Aygi, Miroslav Valek.



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