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Linguistic markers of represented speech in science fiction novels: a polyphonic approach

E.A. Demina

UDC 81`42                        


Demina Elena Anatolyevna,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Foreign Languages with a Course of Latin Department

Altai State Medical University



This paper aims to investigate the linguistic aspect of represented speech in the novel “The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury within the framework of M. Bakhtin’s concept of polyphony. The article provides a classification of linguistic signals of voices, determines their frequency, types of represented speech, the number of voices. The results of the study show that fragments with represented speech in the novel are few; as a rule, there are two voices in them. In other passages, despite the presence of several voices, the dialogical perspective is not expressed. Moreover, one linguistic marker can be simultaneously a lexical, syntactic and graphic signal; ideological markers creating a slight polyphonic effect. Syntactic means, being the most frequent ones, convey the perception of the character and form Bradbury’s special narration style.

Keywords: represented speech, polyphony, voices, linguistic markers.



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