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Intertextual plan of the poem by Valery Pereleshin “Red leaves under the frost”

O.V. Bogdanova, Yunmei Zang
80,00 ₽

UDC 82-1=161.1=581    


Bogdanova Olga V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



Zang Yunmei,

Applicant, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



The purpose of this study is to examine the poetic text is the bright representative of the “Eastern branch” of Russian emigration (1920s–1940s) Valery Pereleshin, in his work associated with the perception of the image system “second Motherland”, China, and in the course of analysis to identify the uniqueness of the incarnation of the motives of the ancient Chinese pretext (in particular Du Mu) in a poem by Russian immigrant. The scientific novelty of the work consists in referring to the little-known texts of poets of the “Harbin-Shanghai” region, in an attempt to find ways to introduce Russian poets to the foreign cultural tradition. The results showed that the Russian poet-emigrant Pereleshin quite freely handles the Chinese pretext and departs from the imagery of a concise compressed narrative, characteristic of the Tang classic Du Mu. However, Russian literature brings rich imagery, additional poetic vividness, and an inner meaning close to the Russian mentality to Pereleshin’s original text.

Key words: poetry of Russian emigration in China, “Eastern branch”, Valery Pereleshin, “Red leaves under frost”, Chinese pretext, Du Mu.




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